Connect Clocktowertimer to Spotify API

You can connect Clocktowertimer to the Spotify API. In doing so, Clocktowertimer will automatically adjust the playback volume of the currently active device on Spotify.

These values may also be configured using URL-parameters:[50,30,80]


Please pay attention to the following requirements:

Create a Spotify App

This part is equivalent to

Afterwards copy your apps Client ID from the app's settings page and enter it here:

The Client ID will only work with Spotify Accounts approved by the Spotify app's developer. If you insert the default Client ID '9c288c96571e470db82a242089fb9cf6' (or leave the field empty) you have to contact Dennis Schürholz as stated above. If Spotify approves Clocktowertimer as a Spotify webapp this step will no longer be required.

Authenticate User

Click the following button to authenticate to Spotify. You will be redirected to Spotify.


After authentication you're ready to go. You may now start your favourite playlist on Spotify and Clocktowertimer will control the volume for you. This page can be closed.

You can also test the API using this buttons: